I'm still alive, I just haven't felt like posting anything in awhile. I still like making swatches but I don't really feel like posting looks anymore. My looks lately have mostly been eyeliner anyways! Not enough time for much else. I haven't even checked my Blogger Dashboard in a month! I've noticed I spend way too much time on the internet so I'm trying to cut back. But I've traded one time waster with another, BOOKS! Again! Or is that still?
It's a long-weekend this week so I might get some of the old Meow Halloween shades swatched up. I really wanna do the Alien Abduction one. I think I have enough samples and jars to post swatches of all the old collections. I did X, Zombie Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen last year. Friday the 13th was done another time so that leaves me with Zombies, Dance of Death and Alien Abduction. I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN.
So now I leave you with the most awesomest of awesome pictures I have ever fluked out on. This was taken at the Abbotsford International Airshow. I heard the booms but a tall guy was in front of me and I couldn't see so I stood on my tip-toes and aimed the camera over his head and hoped I atleast got the smoke in the lens view.
Look how freakin straight I took it!
Sure I could have evened the angle out in photoshop if it didn't work out, but no need! I was accidentally awesome!
Best Makeup for Travel
1 day ago