I saw a guy at the electronics till point to a poster on the other side of the till and ask the cashier, "so uhhhh (as he's tapping the poster) how much is this?" and she asks, "The Wii?" (she can't actually see the poster) and he's still knocking the poster as he nods (never once making eye contact the ENTIRE time) and she says "$209.99" (I think, can't completely remember, this guy seemed douchey) and he's still tapping it going "uhhhhhhh.......I'll get one" and then he backs up still never looking at her. Then she says "I'm sorry we're sold out."
Part of me felt bad, but at the same time, did ya really think you were going to find a discounted Wii A DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS?!?! Plus he was rude to the cashier who probably wasn't having a very good week anyways and he's just adding to it.
Moral of the story? Um. Not quite sure what I was getting at. hah! Brain is fried. Just wanted to share I guess :D
Be nice to cashiers at Christmas time, they don't want to be there anymore than you do.
There we go!
Moral entered!
And for my lil ol EOTD.
I was eating those Bacci chocolates (in the silver and blue wrappers) and I wanted to do a silver and blue look.
I pulled out my Aromaleigh Holiday Blast and used:
Lid: Tangled Tinsel
Crease: Not So Silent Night
Highlight: Champagne Toast.
Bottom line: Not So Silent Night as well
It was hard to get a good eye shot, I'm not used to the lighting here and the shinyness of the eyeshadows seemed to affect the camera as well.
Oh wellz.
Hopefully someone like it! :D Ignore the crappy hair, someone was in the bathroom where my brush was and RUINED MY DAMN LIFE!!! J/K And on that note...
Merry Christmas everybodeh!!!!!
Merry Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteYou look gorgeous in those colors. I love Tangled Tinsel, it's one of my favs from the Holiday Blast collection.
Thank you :D It was my first time using it, I don't need to get Fume anymore and its got that awesome extra sparkle in it!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
Ooh! Pretty! Ugh...I hate the mall even during the off season so I never go! I also get all my Holiday shopping done in November so I can sit back and enjoy watching everyone else freak out.
ReplyDeleteThe shinier or more glittery the eyeshadow, the more my camera can't focus. I have to take a million pictures just to get 5-7 fairly decent ones. Which sucks cuz I love glitter so it can take up a lot of my time!
Merry Christmas hot mama!
I was almost done shopping before November. I grabbed the last things a week ago, so it was just a "last minute ideas/gift bag" people watching trip. I learned there are LOTS of good sales the days before xmas! I got 2 belts reg $32.50 each but got them 2/$25. And I needed gift bags to wrap the hard stuff and spend maybe $5 for 3 gift bags and tissue paper. 2 of the bags were 30 cents, the freakin dollar store would have charged me more hah.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you too :) I guess I should stay away from computer for a day to be all "festive" and such with my family lol.
We'll see, I still have to do a Christmas day eotd! :D
Ahahahaha that is so funny! Who the HELL thinks you can get a Wii right before Xmas??? (Side note...we got ours right when it came out and was impossible to find by a guy who charged us $300...it "fell" off a truck. Yikes!)
ReplyDeleteYou look fabulous!! I love you in silvers!!
lmao, gotta love the fallen off a truck sales. I got mine by pure luck. I was at Walmart on lunch break a couple of years ago and heard one employee tell another they just got some Wii's in and I booked it to electronics.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you! I'll try to do more silvery looks! I have some Aromaleigh elemental lustres I don't think I've tried yet waiting for me!
I always go shopping on Christmas Eve, lol. I usually start the week before Christmas, hah. I'm just lazy, really.
ReplyDeleteI wish cameras and sparkles would be friends. :(