Anywhosies, today I decided to use Meow Cosmetics. I ordered a bunch of fs of the holiday collections so I decided it was time to use more of the sample baggies to break those other babies open.
I used:
Main lid colour: Ornament
End/Crease/lower lash corner: Midnight Kiss
Browbone: Vixen
Rimmerl Glam Eyes Black Mascara.
I have decided to give up on the Body Shop sparkly liquid liner. Last time I thought my eye was watering like a mofo because I got liner under my lid. That may have happened that time but this morning it took me 10 freaking minutes to "swipe" the glitter off my eyeball SANS QTIP! I really need to buy some qtips. The glitter was on the brown part so I could see my finger coming at me!!
Never again.
I've worn many sparkly eyeshadows and effing glitter (aromaleigh) and NEVER had any of them try to imbed themselves into my eyeball. Yeah some got in my eye but blinking got them out. NOT A FINGER!
$10 WASTE. Don't buy it unless you have qtips and the time to poke your eyeball.

I am obsessed with this look... it is so fucking rad. It reminds me of my middle school, cus our colors were black and gold. I might steal this look for my anniversary tomorrow night...
ReplyDeleteWow this is really pretty! Yay swatches coming. Can't wait to see. :-)
ReplyDeletewow! That looks gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteBrb dying over that gold *__*
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
ReplyDeletelol. I love my metallics! This gold is awesome because it has gold glitter in it too! (I think I saw some in there)
Heather, Steal away! I think my xmas party look is close to this as well only different brand and fake lashes. Man I need to play with lashes more
Lip swatches are up!
woopsie, I was wrong on the xmas party look being the same, it was a look I went to the bar with that was similar :D
I did my friend's in red
Ooooh! So pretty! Gold & silver look great on you!
ReplyDeleteAnd *shudder* I can't believe you tried to swipe glitter off your eyeball without a qtip!! Bad bloggette!
Loooove this look!