Here's a purple and green look I played around with. My camera washed the pics out a bit, the full face shot shows the green much more accurately.
I used all colours from Detrivore's Graveyard collection.
I used over TFSI Lemon Drop:
Formalin on lid
Catacombs on crease
Casket to blend into browbone shade Embalm
Ossuary to try to blend out the inner corner part next to my nose, I don't know what that part is called.
Funeral to darken outer corner of crease
Grave Digger on lower lashline
NYX Milk on waterline and inner lower lashline.
Annabelle black eyeliner
Excuse the Biebs hair, it's in a ponytail so it looks kind of silly head on. I never realized my nose was so crooked. I hope it was just the camera! Or my damn teeth are shifty, it all doesn't line up. hahaha that's going to bother me. PLEASE BE THE CAMERA!
I didn't really have a plan for this look, just kept adding colours until I really liked it. The Graveyard collection is great to work with and one of my favourite overall collections. You can do something fun and colourful, something neutral for office settings, or some kick ass smokey look if you wanted to. Distorria has added 2 new colours to the line, Cadaverine and Memento Mori. Well not super new, but new this year I believe. I didn't even bother sampling them, just straight up bought em :)
Back to draino-ing my tub. So far the tub is winning and I am losing.
Winter Makeup Inspiration
2 weeks ago
so pretty!!!
ReplyDeletePretty! Distorria makes amazing mattes. :)
ReplyDeleteMe likes ! especially the green on the lid ...ow yeah !
ReplyDeleteThat green looks great!