Around 3 years ago I was tired of buying box dyes to try to get bright red hair because it was just a huge waste of money. The red never lasted very long, and it was never as bright as I wanted it to be. Then I went to a salon! If you can call the mall hair dressers a salon.
Well I will!
Anywhodles $200 later I had the hair I wanted. Not cheap AT ALL but it did last longer than box dye. I tried to find a pic from day one but it seems I mostly took pictures much later :/ I think this was before I even blogged when I didn't take pictures of everything.
It took 2 units of red bleach (I think each bleach unit was $80 each) and 2 bottles of Fudge Red Corvette ($20/tube). I got to keep most of the 2nd bottle of colour for a future touch-up. I didn't have a spare $200 again so this time around I decided I was going to do this myself. And I saved a buttload. I've had the bleach and Special Effects dye for a long long time now and only this week I grew some lady balls to do this myself. I have the week off so if I messed up, I could hide my shame for a few days still!
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! I don't know what I'm doing.
You can try this if you want but I'm telling ya right now, I only learned by watching youtube and remembering what my hairdresser did, I didn't actually learn how to do any of this in school and such. 99% of the time I was just praying I wouldn't go bald.
I bought the Blood Red Special Effects dye from Morgana Cryptoria for $9 I think (it was a very very long time ago, my memory sucks on a good day, don't ask me to think past today!) Then last summer or fall I bought a 4oz bottle of Salon Care 30 Cream Developer for $2 and 2 packets of Clairol BW2 Powder Lightener for a little over $3 each. I also bought a brush and gloves but that was less that $20 total! Screw you $200.
Now had I gone to the salon she/he would have been able to do my whole head without missing spots. I totally missed some spots... But it's okay, mostly just some roots but as long as the wind doesn't blow, I'M COO!
After I bleached my hair and sat with conditioner in it (nothing fancy, just Got2B Hottie) I went to youtube just to see how others got their bright red hair and this video made me feel like a dummy. She didn't even need to pre-bleach! I must remember this for the future! I still have a bottle of Blood Red and a bottle of Nuclear Red so I'll use those 2 up before hunting down this Majicontrast stuff of awesomeness.
So here's my hair in pictures
The start! My hair was washed the day before. It's all wonky because I had an elastic in it.
BLEACH TIME! I think when my whole head was covered I kept it in for 30 minutes.
Just chillin with a head full of conditioner. I believe I left it in a half hour.
Oh hai blondie
Throw a filter on that pic for a new facebook picture.
I forgot to take a picture of the messy madness that was the red dye but this is it now! I put a bottle onto clean dry hair and I sat with it in for 1.5 hrs
Outside light!
I was a bit disappointed because at first it reminded me of Raggedy Ann hair. It's not nearly what I assumed Blood Red would look like. I think if I had light brown hair and used the Blood Red I probably would have gotten what I wanted but oh well. YOU LEARN!
Winter Makeup Inspiration
2 weeks ago